How it works




How does Neurofeedback Work?

 Neurofeedback training for the brain is similar to physical training for the body. Much of our suffering comes from pervasive recurring thoughts and feelings in which our minds become emotionally stranded or cognitively “stuck”. Neurofeedback prompts the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts”. The result is a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable.Much like a mirror that promotes self-correction, Neurofeedback program monitors your brain waves and then provides “feedback” to your central nervous system about what it has just done. When the software detects a tremor in your brain wave pattern, it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to “reset” and self-correct.

In other words:

  • When we give the brain information

  • The brain re-organizes itself

  • Symptoms will drop away-

  • The outcome will be physical and emotional improvement!

A journey is built on 4 zens and here is what basically happens:

Zen 1: Warm up. Left and right side are doing their own things, fluffing up at the edges, we are joining with CNS

Zen2: Connection between right and left hemispheres will start to form. We get 2 sides connected. You will allow the flow of changes to happen

Zen 3: Going into the depth! No time! moving out to the future and future becomes now

Zen4: We start” To let go” and everything feels okay. We allow the secure deep connection in the brain.

All we do is offering a mirror to CNS. It is information that makes transformation. You can always do more than what you already are. We simply invite them to be in the present.

This is working on our “psychological body”. Before all we needed was our physical body needs met. Now that we have all of those in our 21st century life style, if we don’t pay attention to our psychological and emotional body we will die right there.


Please contact us today for an appointment. Visit us at our Pleasanton, California office for your first free session