Loose the Belly Fat

I am posting this article mostly on my recent experience. I In one week, I lost 6 pounds by following this diet and I feel much better and more energetic. This makes me more focused and much happier.  When I started this diet I didn’t do it for weight loss. I was exhausted from losing weight and gaining it back after so many tries. But this time it really worked. Because I changed my mindset about food.

What is the healthy nutrition for an overgrown Yeast body and belly fat

Avoid and no more for the next 6 months:

  1. Coffee, because it’s acidic. You can replace it with Green or Chamomile Tea
  2. Peanuts, mushrooms and cheese, because they are mouldy
  3. Veniger and Alcohol, because they have to grow by yeast and they are not fresh
  4. starches like white rice, potatoes, bread and fruit that can turn into sugar in our body
  5. Dairy
  6. Anything that has been produced in a factory and is in a box.  Cut all processed food or anything made of flour.

     What is left for me to eat:

    1. All sorts of vegetables. You can steam them or make shakes and salad

    2. cover your salad with healthy oils like olive and coconut oil and fresh lemon juice
    3. Stil cut Oat and Quinoa
    4. Pumpkin Seed, almonds and walnuts
    5. Berries
    6. Organic meat, poultry  and salmon
    7. Eggs, garlic, onions
    8. Tea like peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, clove, chamomile
    9. Avocado and Olive, garlic, onions, seaweed, ginger


    I have in some places that it is okay to add some butter, cream cheese and mozzarella.

    At Yoga4Brain we strongly believe, that Moderation is the essential key to all of this. But let’s stop feeding these bastard invasive Yeasts in our bodies. Let’s put down this extra weight after all these years and keep it down. Let’s lose this belly fat by changing our mindset about food and nutrition.
    Even if you really have to eat that junk food right now it’s okay but be mindful and aware of every bite you are eating and putting that thing in your body to feed that yeast enemy that is holding you back.

    I will be posting some good videos on new recipes.