Detoxicating our body

There is no doubt that we are made of many trillion microbial organisms and 60 chemical elements.

Yeast overgrowth and how to stop it is the focus of our discussion. We have battled them for years, with antibiotics and disinfectants. We are also aware that some of these are our allies like probiotics.

The humiliating part is that although these days we are rained with information and knowledge we still tend to go out there, doing and repeating things that our parents did many years ago. We also keep the same diet. It is like regardless of weather conditions change from summer to winter, we still wear the same outfit. It obviously will not work and we end up being uncomfortable and sick. If we all agree to this fact we need to take a look at what is recently happening to our body. Just by looking at all the sicknesses and the kind of meals being served at popular restaurants you can take a really quick grasp and say yak, this needs to stop now.

Things that encourage yeast to overgrow in our body:

  • Taking antibiotics
  • Eating sugar and carbs
  • Drink alcohol
  • A weakened immune system
  • Taking oral pregnancy pills
  • Diabetes
  • High-stress levels

Here are some of the obvious symptoms

We can look at these even without going through some pricy test or medical professional advice.

  • Digestive problems, leaky gut and that means our intestinal wall to let gas and liquid pass through. We now know if something is wrong in the gut it can affect the neurological system. This can lead us to Depression, anxiety
  • Sore throats and oral thrush in babies
  • Sinus infections
  • Mental or physical fatigue: life just happens slowly and you may not be aware of how much energy they have lost until you try to compare your ability to complete tasks from one-time to before. Normally being tired can go away after 24 hours of physical rest. But fatigue will stick around. You might even feel too tired to go sick help.
  • Brain Fog: You feel confused and it comes without warning, lack of focus, poor memory recall and reduced mental sharpness.
  • Repeating fungal infections in ears, eyes, skin, nail and vaginal yeast infection.Some infections can be more serious. Lung infections. It can also infect our blood and go to the brain and heart
  • Mood swings

  • Joint pain and inflammation
  • Canker Sores in mouth

    Test at home:

    How can you test at home, if you are suffering from this Yeast (Candida) overgrowth infection besides the symptoms?

  1. Prepare a glass of filtered water.  Leave it beside your sink to be in the room temperature for when you wake up in the morning
  2. First thing you do in the morning, make a very big spit in your mouth and drop it in that cup of water
  3. Watch for strings growing down towards the bottom of the glass
  4. Sometimes it even sinks to the bottom of the glass
  5. If you see this, it means you have Yeast overgrowth in your body