Neurofeedback facts

neuron connections

Here are some simple facts on neurofeedback:

Neurofeedback is a Training Tool

  1. Neurofeedback Is Different From Other Forms of Healing in Some Important Ways:
  2. Neurofeedback is Biofeedback
  3. Neurofeedback is Central
  4. Neurofeedback is Learning
  5. Most importantly Neurofeedbck first receives information from system (the Brain) itself
  6. Adjusts What It Does (It’s Healing), in Response to Itself, Moment by Moment
  7. These Adjustments Are the Healing
  8. And That’s How The Brain Heals Itself!
  9. The Brain Learns How To Manage Itself Better
  10. The Effects are Invisible and Effortless
  11. The Effects Last: Once Your Brain Has Learned, It Can’t Not Know
  12. Booster Sessions Quickly Get It Back On Course
We now understand that the human brain has the ability to adapt and develop new living neurons by engaging new tasks and challenges throughout our lives, essentially allowing the brain to rewire itself.

Neurofeedback takes science out of laboratory and into hands of private health professionals. It is technologies answer to psychotherapy, cognitive therapy and poor cerebral functioning in lots of situations. It works by balancing out our brain waves which is going to balance out all  parts of our brain work in harmony.

The brain is becoming more and more an open book that can be read by collecting the brain waves from the scalp of our brain.The fact that with this modality we do not need a diagnose helps people getting out of their shells. We can now take the shame out of mental illness.  For example depressed people feel that they are to blame for their condition of being weak willed or so many other things. However many depressed people have an abnormal pattern of brain waves which can be balanced out by neurofeedback workout over the time.