Category «Neurofeedback»

Sleep Log

Sleep Log Keeping a diary may be key to helping you and your health care provider diagnose and improve your sleep. You may collect information about : The time you went to bed and woke up. How long and well you slept. When you were awake during the night. How much caffeine or alcohol you consumed …

Neurofeedback Improves Sleep

Doctors recommend a variety of measures to help adults and children achieve adequate sleep. Neurofeedback training improves sleep. To maintain these good conditions we need a comfortable sleep environment, encourage a healthful balance of nutrition and exercise. Some suggestions to follow for more improvement: Maintain a regular schedule Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and other chemicals that …

Diet can help my brain

What we put as food in our body everyday has also has to change, if we want our brain training to do its work well. There is enough scientific evidence showing Mediterranean diet can help our brains. New research confirms what we’ve known for a while: A diet rich in lean protein, healthy fats, and fruits …

ADHD and Neurofeedback

Yoga4Brain neurofeedback, relaxation, mindfulness, life coaching

ADHD and Neurofeedback In October of 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics gave neurofeedback their top rating in application to the behavioral symptoms of ADHD. This means that neurofeedback has met the highest standards currently being applied to the appraisal of psychosocial interventions. Although in our minds some kind of recognition could have happened—and should …

Neurofeedback facts

Here are some simple facts on neurofeedback: Neurofeedback is a Training Tool Neurofeedback Is Different From Other Forms of Healing in Some Important Ways: Neurofeedback is Biofeedback Neurofeedback is Central Neurofeedback is Learning Most importantly Neurofeedbck first receives information from system (the Brain) itself Adjusts What It Does (It’s Healing), in Response to Itself, Moment …

Finding your Balance

Finding your Balance Before starting  our training you need to prepare your mind and brain to train your brain. You have to find and  balance out your goals. It is important to understand that this will be a process and not an event. Neurofeedback is not a drug. This will be good for individuals, who …