What do they mean when they say: ” just eat healthy”?

Everyday we hear somebody advises to “just eat healthy”. I was wondering for a while about a good explanation for that. Understanding this important fact is very helpful, because it can change our mindset and the way we look at food. Once we can change our vision and see a fact completely, it is very hard to go back to old habits. The importance of being in touch with our feelings and staying mindful of our life has a direct affect on that.

Healthy food, is a food that is not processed. A kind of food that has not been produced in a mass and in a factory setting. Food that is produced in factory most likely contains additional chemical ingredients to keep it safe for transportation, at the store ( before it gets to our fridge) or worse, stay on shelves for days or months.

Think about how a very small pill like Ibuprofen has a big effect on our body. Or a small sleeping pill. These are concentrated chemicals that actually can do things to our body. Our body reacts to these substances.

Healthy eating includes natural food that is not processed. Anything that has even made into flour, sugar or bread is processed. If you think about anything that is white makes sense.

Flour, sugar, dairies, boxed food… are not healthy.

What is healthy? Vegetables, fruit, olive oil, nuts, fish, grass fed poultry, quinoa, steel cut oat ( best breakfast, when you cook it with ginger and cinnamon), salad, meat. However, we can’t always eat healthy. This is a choice. Sometimes we will take a break. When all this other food specially pizza and pasta are around, we will be skeptical once in a while.